November 23, 2021 — Family language policies among Quebec-based parents - TESOL Webinar
Interested in family language policies among Quebec-based parents raising multilingual children? Come check out our webinar, hosted by the TESOL International Association on December 8th, at 10:00 AM EST.
In addition to the French-speaking majority, the Canadian province of Quebec is home to a sizeable English-speaking minority community along with a multitude of heritage language speakers. Many parents in Quebec raise their children multilingually. In this webinar, we introduce the Quebec context and present findings from two studies of family language policy – i.e., language beliefs, language practices, and language management – among Quebec-based parents raising infants/toddlers aged 0-4 years with multiple languages in the home. In study 1, we used interviews and focus groups to gather qualitative data from 27 parents in Quebec’s urban centre, Montreal; in study 2, we used a questionnaire (developed based on the findings from study 1) to elicit quantitative as well as qualitative data from more than 800 parents across the entire province. The discussion will shed light on some of the key factors involved in determining and upholding family language policies in multilingual families. Find out more here.
November 19, 2021 — Social Media for Academics - Workshop
Interested in learning about using social media in academia? Come check out Jamie Borenstein-Laurie and I's workshop, hosted by the Concordia's Journal of Accessible Psychology, this Thursday, November 25th at 3h30 via Zoom!
July 15, 2021 — Awarded Vanier Scholarship
I am so very excited to finally be able to share a secret that has been quite difficult to keep for the last few months: I have received the incredible honour of being awarded a Vanier Scholarship!
After sharing my path to receiving this prestigious award on Twitter, I was overwhelmed by the positive response and beautiful messages I received from so many of you - thank you to each and every one of you who reached out, whether via Twitter or email.
It is with great excitement for all the wonderful things to come that I start my doctoral research. I sincerely hope that it will be able to help some of the wonderful and bilinguals that I have had the privilege to work with for the last 8 years, and can now continue to work with for many years to come! Extending a sincere thank you for your vote of confidence and to all of those who helped me make it to where I am today. Merci pour tout.
See the story here: https://www.concordia.ca/news/stories/2021/07/15/concordia-psychology-grad-student-is-awarded-a-vanier-canada-graduate-scholarship.html?c=/news (en francais: https://www.concordia.ca/fr/actualites/nouvelles/2021/07/15/une-etudiante-en-psychologie-de-concordia-obtient-une-bourse-d-etudes-superieures-du-canada-vanier.html).
April 28, 2021 — Awarded SSHRC CGS-D Scholarship & Concordia Doctoral Graduate Fellowship
I am grateful to have been awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) Doctoral Scholarship ($105,000; "Super-SSHRC") from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and a Concordia University Doctoral Graduate Fellowship ($56,000) from the Faculty of Arts & Sciences [update: both declined due to receiving the Vanier-CGS]. What a fantastic way to start my doctorate!
April 7, 2021 — Talk at SRCD coming up
SRCD members - I look forward to seeing you at the "From Text to Context: Storybooks as a Platform for Dual-language Learning" symposium at SRCD on Wednesday, April 7th, at 10AM EST!
February 24, 2021 — Launch of "ADHD and bilingualism in young adults: Revisiting executive functioning and bilingual vocabulary" study (with link to pre-registration)
After months of hard work, I am so proud to finally launch my study investigating the effects of ADHD and bilingualism on vocabulary learning and executive functioning! If you would like to access my pre-registration and materials, you can find them here.
If you know anyone who may be interested in participating, please share this link with them: infantresearch.ca/adhd. To all of you who already shared the study, a sincere thank you!
February 19, 2021 — Match Day: MUHC Neuropsychology & Adult ADHD Services
I am happy to announce that I will be joining the team at the McGill University Health Centre Neuropsychology and Adult ADHD Services at the Allan Memorial Institute this September, working with Dr. Lisa Koski and Dr. Marco Sinai. I look forward to conducting psychosocial and diagnostic assessments with patients referred to the MUHC Neuropsychology Service, as well as individual and group therapy with patients referred to the MUHC Adult ADHD Service.
January 4, 2021 — Talk at the Read Language Development Lab (with link to slides)
It was a pleasure to present my research to Dr. Kirsten Read's Language Development Lab (in Santa Clara, California) today. Thank you Dr. Read for the wonderful chat about bilingual book reading!
If you would like access to my slides, find them here. The take-home message: reading to your bilingual kids will help them learn new words in both of their languages, no matter the book format.
If you would like to take a look at some of Dr. Read's work, her paper on bilingual books (containing sentences with intrasentential language switches) can be found here.